How to treat Dry, Coarse and Overbleached Hair

My hair is like my crowning glory. Having a bad hair day is equivalent to having a bad day. I gotta admit, it's one thing that boosts my self confidence. I usually grow my hair long, and then I start processing it. I've gone from blonde to red to blonde and then black. Our university prohibits hair color so I gotta recolor it to black every semester then play with it again every break. I know that too much hair processing causes a lot of damage but I just can't resist it. It's actually my fashion statement. Here are some colors I've tried: (blonde, highlights, red, black)

So that said, I always ended up cutting my hair due to brittle ends. I hate combing, that's why I'd rather cut it short that be challenged everyday to comb this hair. Well, that's when I realized, I should just treat my hair during school days and it actually is effective. 
If you want to re-energize your hair again, you gotta do these things religiously.

1. CUT THE BRITTLE ENDS - The split ends. brittle part of your hair can cause more damage if you will retain it. It actually crawls up causing more splits on your hair. Maybe an inch would be fine. Just cut it! It will grow back anyways :)

2. DON'T USE SHAMPOO EVERYDAY-  Shampoo has been part of our bath since we were taught. But did you know that shampooing your hair actually causes more problems? Shampoo removes dirt on our hair, but together with that dirt is the natural oil compounds in our hair. These natural oil should have been the one restoring the moisture on our hair. For me, I shampoo my hair every other day.

3. USE CONDITIONER EVERYDAY- As I have said, shampoo removes natural oil, that's why shampoo companies invented a complimentary product to bring back these oil. Alhtough these are not natural oil, it helps in the process to moisture your hair. I don't know if your have noticed but using conditioner makes your hair smoother to comb right? Use this conditioner religiously and it will pay off :)

4. USE HEAVY HAIR REPAIR PRODUCT ATLEAST 3x A WEEK - You can make your own or you can use ready made products. Browse the web if you prefer natural made such as olive oil, apple cider, egg made and the likes. For me, I use ready made, which is "Monea Powerdose Repair" (blue one). It made my hair straighter. I'll maybe post some reviews about it when I have time. I recommend it for the lazy ones and don't want greasy naturaleee..

5. AVOID HAIR STRAIGHTENER'S/ CURLERS THAT USES HEAT. - I actually have a very thick hair. But I started using straightener since high school. I noticed that my hair got thin and it depended on the straightener too much that it became dry when not straightened. Heat breaks the bonds of the hair making it vulnerable to more damage. If you want to curl your hair, use the traditional style of curlers. If you want it to be straight, drying it with fan (not blowdry) would help since you can control the possible wave of your hair when drying. Work on your hair naturally to straighten them rather than using heat styling electronics.

So that's it! Do this things religiously and I promise you that it will pay off. Instead of wasting time to style your hair, you can wash 'n wear your hair everyday making it look styled and healthy. I've been doing this for 6 months now and I'm very satisfied. It lessened the time for my day preparation and it made my look more natural.

Do you have your own regime? :) Let me know under this post in the comment section.
Thanks for stopping by! :)

(I Will link Monea Powerdose Review here after I publish it)


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