About the Author


Short Summary:

Here's a story of a strivng Thomasian Accountant who wants to build her world in a different space. 

How I evolved from an ugly duckling to being a swan

I was born with a dark complexion. I don't know why, both of my parents had fair skin and I wasn't able to inherit their skin type. Because of having dark complexion, people would call me different kind of nicknames to tease me. It hurt. It really did and until now, I still remember those times where I pity myself because of what I look like. I felt very ugly. They made me feel that way. 

I have a younger sister. She's so pretty, a bit of "Jasmin Curtis" look, or that's what everyone says. And it contributed to my moments of self pity. It was like I lived in her shadow. I still remember that every occasion that we would attend, my mom's friends/ dad's friends would always compliment her and me, nothing. JUST NOTHING.. Other than having a dark complexion, I had baby fats. See, I'm dark + fat which made me the center of bullying. 

I can't stress over it when I was in elementary, so what I did was to study. STUDY STUDY STUDY. Until I graduated from High Scholl as a Valedictorian. What my physical appearance was lacking, I make it up with my academics. Oh! And I became very athletic too! Since I have this dark complexion, I had nothing to lose during practice under the heat. I was able to play, Volleyball, Badminton and Table Tennis. I competed to other schools and gained Champion Title on Badminton Singles A. I have won Municipal and Provincial competition. I reached the regional competition (CLARAA) also. Sadly, my parents forbade me to enter since it will be held in a very remote place. So that was my elementary to high school life. An athletic honor ugly duckling. 

2ND YEAR HS (2010)

After High school, I entered the University of Santo Tomas as an accounting student. This is the part where I started pampering myself. I wanted a new look. A look where in people wont be able to tell me those hurtful words anymore. Having your own allowance to budget, I was able to buy essentials. I became very hygienic and narcissistic. (Narcissistic in a moderate way). I tried hard to lighten my skin color, changed my hair color and my fashion statement. I created a new me. A new me in a good way. I was able to built up my self confidence. People can't call me nicknames anymore. They actually call me a "resting bitch face" now. I know its not a compliment, but they would always tell me NOW, that even if my sister is pretty, I'm the seductive one. I didn't lose my weight though. My baby fats formed my voluptuous body now. Because of Kate Upton, I loved my voluptuous body. I'm a 38-28-36. I have large breasts and I embraced it as my asset. For now, I can see myself as an elegant Swan who's ready for any challenge He'll give :)


Why I'm writing a blog:

I wanted to express to everyone that beauty is in the eye of the holder. I don' t believe those "be yourself" saying to be pretty or "just accept yourself". If you see yourself ugly, then its your responsibility to change this. This is what I've been through and I want share my experience to each and every princess out there. Maybe yo'u're not a princess today, but tomorrow you can be! Just like cinderella :) My blogs will be about my inch by inch transformation, and some tips regarding it. I'll have product reviews of what I'm using or maybe what to do's and donts. I hope you'll keep me up to date with your reviews too.


 You may not be a princess today, but tomorrow you can be! :)


  1. Hi Ate, what product did you use to whiten your skin?

    1. Hi Angel,

      At first, I started using soaps such as Kojic, Black Soap of Snoe, then I used ishigaki and snow caps glutathione which boosted my skin whitening. Soap + Lotion with high SPF + Gluta oral intake would gradually whiten your skin. You just have to be patient about it :)


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Chocolates.Movies.Relaxation.Sleep Definitely finding my Princess life